European power prices

European Energy Market Update – Week 22 (June 5th, 2022)


Energy Market Update – Week 22:

  • Oil prices increased, supported by the EU agreement on banning Russian oil imports. Prices are now close to the eight-year high as the market remains concerned about tight supply.
  • OPEC has decided to stick to its original oil production plans in July despite the Westerns’ calls to boost the production to tackle the sourcing oil prices.
  • Russia’s coal exports to the EU destinations have risen 5% this month vs April, amid the attempt to maximize exports ahead of the EU ban in August.
  • Gas prices also increased due to supply uncertainties in the next winter. The gas stock levels continued to recover rising to 47% in Europe amid the strong LNG gas deliveries from USA and Qatar.
  • CO2 carbon market is expected to be volatile ahead of market reform proposals to be debated by the European Parliament on 6-9 June (speeding up the start of a carbon border adjustment mechanism, selling 250 million allowances from the Market Stability Reserve).
  • Russia cuts gas supplies to the Netherlands after Dutch gas trader GasTerra has decided not to comply with Gazprom’s demands for rubble payments.
  • French nuclear availability remains historically low. France will likely remain a net power importer this Summer.

To read the prior week’s European Energy Market Update, please follow the link here.


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