future energy ideas

Revolutionizing Energy: Big Future Energy Ideas That Will Change the World


As the world faces the challenges of climate change and finite natural resources, the search for new and sustainable energy sources has become more important than ever before. The way we generate and use energy is changing too. As we move away from fossil fuels and embrace renewable energy sources, we are discovering new ways to harness the power of nature to meet our energy needs. Below we will take a closer look at some of the most promising future energy ideas that have the potential to change the way we generate and use energy.

1. Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)

Solar panels are an effective way to capture solar energy, but they require a significant amount of space and can be unsightly. BIPV is an innovative business idea that integrates solar cells into building materials such as windows, facades, and roofs. This can turn buildings into energy generators and reduce the reliance on the grid, i.e. solar windows.

2. Artificial Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Scientists are now working on creating an artificial version of photosynthesis that can be used to generate clean, renewable energy. This involves using solar panels to capture sunlight and then using catalysts to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can then be used as a clean, renewable fuel source.

3. Wind Power Kites

Wind power is a well-established technology, but it requires large, stationary turbines that can take up a lot of space. Wind power kites are a new technology that can generate electricity using flying turbines that are tethered to the ground. The kites fly in a figure-eight pattern, generating a constant flow of wind that can generate electricity. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we generate wind power, making it more efficient and accessible.

4. Wave Power

The ocean is a vast energy source, and wave power is a new technology that can harness that energy to generate electricity. Wave power systems use buoys that capture ocean waves’ energy and convert it into electricity. This technology has the potential to provide a significant amount of renewable energy, particularly in coastal areas where the waves are strong and consistent.

5. Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Hydrogen fuel cells are a new technology that can be used to generate electricity without producing any greenhouse gas emissions. They work by converting hydrogen into electricity and water, with the only byproduct being pure water. This technology can potentially replace fossil fuels in many applications, including transportation and power generation.

6. Advanced Battery Storage

Advanced battery storage technologies are key to integrating renewable energy sources into the grid. They can help to smooth out the variability of wind and solar power, making it possible to store excess energy when it is available and release it when it is needed. This will be critical to achieving a reliable and resilient energy supply based on renewable energy sources.

7. Carbon Capture and Utilization

Carbon capture and utilization technologies can help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes and power generation. These technologies capture carbon dioxide from the air or industrial processes and convert it into useful products, such as fuels, chemicals or building materials. This has the potential to transform carbon dioxide from a waste product into a valuable resource.

8. Smart Grids

Smart grids are electricity grids that use advanced sensors, communication and control technologies to optimize the generation, distribution and consumption of electricity. They can help integrate renewable energy sources, reduce energy waste and increase the grid’s resilience. This will be critical to achieving a reliable and efficient energy supply in the future.

9. Energy Demand-Side Response (DSR)

Energy demand-response flexibility programs are designed to incentivize businesses and consumers to reduce their energy consumption during times of high demand. These programs provide financial incentives to participants who are willing to adjust their energy usage during peak demand periods, typically during the hottest or coldest parts of the day. By participating in a demand-response program, businesses can help to reduce the strain on the energy grid. In exchange, they receive financial incentives from their energy provider, which can help to offset energy costs or generate additional revenue. Different smart could-based technologies and solutions are evolving in this space, enabling businesses to automate participation in these national programs.

10. Energy Trading Platforms

Renewable energy generation is highly dependent on weather conditions and can be highly variable. This has led to the development of innovative business ideas that focus on energy trading platforms. These platforms allow renewable energy producers to sell energy directly to consumers or other energy market participants.

11. Fusion Energy

Fusion energy is the energy produced by nuclear fusion reactions. It has the potential to provide a clean, abundant and almost limitless energy supply. Scientists and engineers are currently working on developing fusion reactors that can generate energy in a safe and sustainable way. If successful, fusion energy could provide a major breakthrough in the quest for a sustainable and reliable energy supply.

Those are just a few of the many future energy ideas that have the potential to change the world. The development and deployment of these and other innovative energy technologies will be critical to achieving a sustainable and reliable energy supply.

10 most promising energy start-up businesses in Europe

  1. Next Kraftwerke – The company operates one of the largest virtual power plants in Europe, in which electricity producers, electricity consumers and electricity storage systems are intelligently networked. Next Kraftwerke also gives access to a wide variety of electricity trading venues: futures market, day-ahead and also to continuous intraday electricity trading. These trading venues include the EPEX Spot, the futures market of EEX or international power exchanges such as the Austrian electricity exchange EXAA. In addition, they offer access to our OTC partners and realize access to your flexible portfolio in the balancing energy markets.
  2. Skeleton Technologies developed ultracapacitor-based energy storage solutions that can be used in a wide range of applications, from electric vehicles to grid stabilization. Turn-key energy storage solutions for megawatt-level power needs. SkelGrid is an energy storage system that can be used for short-term backup power or to increase power quality for industrial applications or infrastructure. The system is designed for demanding applications such as voltage and frequency regulation and peak shaving in addition to having the ability to provide reliable backup power for short-term needs.
  3. Solar Visuals produces solar panels that are integrated into building materials and can be customized to match the building’s design.
  4. Airturb. This Rotterdam-based startup focuses on producing sustainable energy solutions. The Airturb Model One is a small-scale, silent wind turbine that hardly stands out on your roof. 
  5. Airthium is a new kind of energy storage system that stores electricity as heat reversibly and in the form of ammonia. A high-temperature heat pump that will provide low-cost, clean steam and hot air to industrial users. The heat-pump-powered boilers and dryers are especially suited to the food, paper, automotive, and mining industries. It can also work at a utility-scale as a seasonal backup solution for power generation replacing gas power plants.
  6. Wind Catching Systems: Based in Norway, Wind Catching Systems is on a mission to enable floating wind to be leveraged as a competitive energy source. Whilst taking up significantly less space, five Wind Catching units can produce the same amount of electricity as 25 conventional turbines.
  7. Renewabl is the platform that allows companies to meet their decarbonisation targets quickly and efficiently by matching clean energy certificates directly from wind and solar farms on a 24/7 hour basis.
  8. Ripple Energy – Ripple Energy is a UK-based startup that allows individuals to invest in renewable energy projects and receive a portion of the profits. Their goal is to make clean energy ownership accessible to everyone.
  9. EnergyElephant – is an Irish start-up that provides a cloud-based energy management platform. Their platform helps businesses validate their energy bills, track their energy usage, and identify energy-saving opportunities.
  10. Sympower – Sympower is a Netherlands-based start-up that provides a cloud-based energy flexibility platform. Their platform helps businesses reduce their energy costs by providing real-time energy management and demand response services.

Those are just a few examples of Europe’s most innovative renewable energy business ideas. They demonstrate the diverse range of opportunities available for entrepreneurs and startups in the renewable energy sector.

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